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    1. RANSOMWARERansomware is the big bogeyman under the bed in the cyber world. It’s clean and efficient. You try to access your files, and you get a ransom demand instead. 2019 saw a new nasty twist in ransomware in the form of LockerGoga.Most ransomware encrypts files on your system. You’re able to log on, but you won’t be able to do much else. The hacker, in this case, is careful – if you can’t see the message, you don’t know where to pay the ransom.LockerGoga is a new animal altogether. It’s a lot more reckless. Thanks to the way it operates you may or may not be able to access the message. So, you might not even know that your system is infected.The danger here is that this ransomware can shut down all access. So far, it’s mainly large industrial consumers who’ve been affected. That part of the plan is clever. Shutting out access to vital factory systems means you can’t control temperature overruns, and so on.This can cause serious damage. So, it’s no wonder that the owners are willing to pay big ransoms to regain control. That said, there’s no telling when this ugly type of ransomware might come to a computer near you.Your best option? Beef up security and back up all files. If possible, have a backup control in place in case the main one is taken down.2. PHISHINGWe’ve all seen patently obvious phishing attempts. You know the kind we mean – those written poorly and packed with typos. Perhaps those are meant to lull us into a false sense of complacency. After all, they’re simple enough to hack.They’re just the tip of a very large iceberg. Phishing is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Phishers are now conducting research and targeting key members in an organization. This targeted attack is known as spear phishing, and you’ll be hard-pressed to spot it if you’re not looking for it.It could come in the form of an email from the CEO, a trusted supplier, or a client. And, while you think you’d spot the difference, you won’t. The phishers even go so far as to create an email address as close to the real thing as possible.Sometimes it’s just a single letter off. Would you notice that if you were in a rush? Most people wouldn’t.Your best defenses here are to install a good email scanning program and confirm email requests for information or fund transfers individually.Further, deploying a viable website firewall protects you against any coming cyber attack whatsoever.3. DATA LEAKSAs businesses are tightening up on cybersecurity, hacker syndicates are looking for other ways to find the information. They could do this by paying or intimidating one of your employees for the information.Considering how small data storage devices have become, it’s simple to smuggle information out.Your employees might innocently leak the data. What if they check their work email on an unsecured public network? Or if their partner has access to the phone when they put it down?4. CREDENTIAL STUFFING ATTACKSPotentially one of the most virulent threats, credential stuffing is nothing new. That it can be so successful is amazing in this day and age. And this one, we’re afraid, is all the victim’s fault.There’s only so much that you can do to protect yourself from a deadly new virus. But credential stuffing is entirely preventable. What japanese seo spam do is to hack data from a less secure source.So, instead of targeting a financial institution, they’ll hit your local pizza outlet. What harm could that do? Quite a bit as it turns out. The actual attack comes when the hackers set up bots to use the email addresses and passwords that they’ve stolen on other sites.
    May 19, 2021
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    broken image

    Very informative and engaging! Tons of information that I didn't know before. I’ll be looking at the author's other books.

    Brigitte Overbay

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    It really was hard to put the book down. Once you started reading, you'll also start to learn a lot of things. Really helpful for those who are starting their business.

    Morris Harju

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    I highly recommend this book to all entrepreneurs and business minded people. I am speechless about how this helped me and my company.

    Tina Hauck

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    Very well written with tons of information and guidance about marketing. Definitely worth downloading!

    Richard Pace

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    I like the writing style of the author which makes it easier for me to understand and learn all important information about marketing.

    Carola Manthey

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    I would recommend this to anyone who's looking to improve their marketing strategies and business revenue. Just awesome!

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